Poetry to Inspire

Day 26 of NaPoWriMo  I chose not to follow the prompt. Here is my poem


 I read that cursive writing

may no longer be taught in schools

as it is becoming obsolete.

Let’s be careful with these new rules.


I, myself, print all the time

and have done for many years.

I’m not sure why I started

but that’s how each poem appears.


Most letters I have to, or want to, write

are printed from my computer

and I very rarely use a script font.

I could never be a handwriting tutor.


Books are written and read in print,

printed forms want print when filled out.

It’s only signatures that are cursive

so that will be taught, no doubt.


It’s sad to think that handwriting

may become an art of the past

or offered as an alternative course.

I hope handwriting will last.


So much electronics nowadays,

children only need to push keys,

but there’s something refined in handwriting,

a unique, expressive way to please.


Keep writing!

 Jean Kay

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