Poetry to Inspire

Posts tagged ‘jean kay’




Watching sunrise
through the trees,
still and quiet
nary a breeze.

Let this peace
that I can see
fulfill my day—
enriching me.

Sky is changing
brighter now
embed this view
in me somehow.

Take a photo
that may do
so you can see
this peaceful view.

in every way
very grateful
to have this day.

Jean Kay


Canadian Flag


Let’s celebrate Canada every day,
not just July 1st each year,
remembering how fortunate
we are to be living here.

We have so many opportunities
and also the freedom to choose.
Participating is what’s important,
no matter if we win or lose.

We can express opinions
on all topics to which we relate,
by word of mouth or in print—
that’s a big reason to celebrate.

Natural beauty is evident
in this vast country of ours,
rivers, lakes, mountains, forests,
meadows – I could go on for hours.

Appreciate all your surroundings,
both near to you and far,
whether you’re walking close to home
or going for a drive in your car.

Take a quiet moment
to be grateful, to feel at peace,
it empowers body, soul and mind
and allows stress to be released.

Celebrate with family and friends,
associates and neighbours too.
Be aware of your surroundings
and treasure each unique view.

Jean Kay

Have a safe and wonder-filled long weekend everyone.


 Inner Light - candle


Through aches, pains and challenges,
I can shine my inner light,
giving a message to others
that everything is alright.

My light triggers positive response
which energizes me.
Sympathy, pity and negative vibes
build up negativity.

I try, at all times, to be positive—
in my thoughts, speech and reactions,
creating a lifestyle that works for me
and not detouring into distractions.

Being with like-minded people
supports me, in all my roles.
I don’t waste time with Nay Sayers,
just be with those who feed my soul.

My inner light is powerful
guided, supported, cared for.
When opportunity knocks, and it does,
I willingly open my door.

Jean Kay

This is the poem I shared on Canadian Business Chicks Nest BLAB session. The candle drawing was part of the poem’s creation.

Remembering D-Day

D-Day poem

A tribute to D-Day



Longest Day

Photo by Jean Kay


STAY SAFEMore Poems at http://poetrytoinspire.com


Mother’s Love

Mother's Love

My Dad


My family

That’s me – bottom left


This would have been my Father’s birthday,
he was born in 1908.
A quiet, gentle, caring man
and as Husband and Daddy – first rate.

He loved my Mother very much,
he was courteous and kind,
soft-spoken and supportive—
which are the ties that bind.

We were a family of seven—
three girls, two boys, Mum and Dad,
all born and raised in England,
then to Canada, “opportunities to add”.

He helped a lot of people
to understand their spiritual self,
by sharing his knowledge of the Bible
and the textbook – Science & Health.

He left a legacy of love
with all who knew him well.
That’s the best legacy to leave,
still felt in stories we tell.

Happy Birthday Dad.

Jean Kay


Sharp-shinned Hawk

sharp shinned hawk 2


You truly are a beautiful bird
and I know you get hungry too,
but please don’t eat birds at my feeder
go and find a field-mouse or two.

The meadows, just a few blocks away,
are a natural seaside resource
for birds of prey– rats, mice, rabbits,
ducks and waterbirds of course.

So, please don’t make my feeders
a regular place to prey.
I love to see you in the wild
but want songbirds to have a safe day.

Jean Kay

sharp shinned hawk 3s



I find English often needs translating from old language styles into what is understood better today. Bible verses, especially, can get lost in the meaning and interpretation. Here is my attempt to translate my two favorite bible readings.

Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters
He restoreth my soul:
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness, for His name’s sake.

There is so much power, guidance, and peace of mind provided in that one small section of psalm from that big ancient book.
Are we translating the messages so they have meaning for life today?

My translation:
God takes care of me and provides my every need
He allows me to rest in the assurance of abundance
He quenches my thirst for a gentle flow in life
He re-energizes the spirit of my being
He will guide me on the right path, I just need to stay aware of  His presence.


The most recited poem in the bible is The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever.

Here is my interpretation which is in my book Morning Light.

My Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, dear Father, Whose heaven’s on earth,
we’re all in Your kingdom, we have been since birth.
Help us to stay on our own unique path
that is the way we’ll be free from all wrath.
You provide everything we’ll ever need,
help us to share and not be filled with greed.
Forgive us, dear Father, when we go off track,
whenever we stray – we can always come back.
Lead us from temptation that’s in every hour,
help us to know You’re the source of our power.
Fill us with love, every minute, each day,
love always comes back when we give it away.
For You, our dear Father, are our very breath,
through You is eternity – there is no death.
Help us believe that – to know that it’s true,
for the power and glory come only through You.

I sang that interpretation onto my page many years ago and have sung it silently every night since. It helps me to have a good sleep.

Jean Kay

Website www.poetrytoinspire.com
YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g
Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/
My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B