Poetry to Inspire

Posts tagged ‘caa’

WORD Vancouver Today

WORD Vancouver Today


Windy, wet, bone-chilling weather

but because of it Good News!

WORD Vancouver is moving indoors

I’m grateful to those who could choose.


It’s no fun manning display tables

when you’re fighting cold winds and rain.

I wasn’t looking forward to going

but I am enthused again.


I’m participating in several ways:

setting up the Canadian Authors display,

manning their table, selling my books,

then exploring other venues mid-day.


As Conference Assistant for SiWC,

I’ll be at their table a while,

giving out info on the conference

and definitely wearing a smile.


WORD will be a more intimate event,

which I hope they will keep indoor.

It will give people more of a market-place feel

and they’ll take more time to explore.


WORD Vancouver Today –

come by for a visit.


Jean Kay

Canada Korea Literary Festival

Canada Korea Literary Festival


At the Canada Korea Literary Festival,

a well organized, professional event,

I had the privilege of reciting

and I’m very pleased I went.


A comprehensive printed program

in both languages, was provided,

(a souvenir worth keeping)

as through the evening we were guided.


The evening started with a reception,

very tasty food had been prepared.

Then, stories, poems, music, dance

and videos were all shared.


I haven’t heard much Korean spoken before,

I find it has a pleasing flow,

melodious sounds, soft-spoken.

It would be difficult for me to learn, I know.


Background music and slide shows

accompanied each performer.

Many hours spent putting it all together

had created an atmosphere much warmer.


My poem “Sixty Years Young”,

from my book Morning Light,

was translated into Korean

and a lovely lady was there to recite.


I think the two boys may have stolen the show –

wonderful talent – reciting and singing.

Then our MC surprised us all

when his powerful voice turned to singing.


Congratulations, KWAC!

It was a most enjoyable evening out

combining cultures and languages –

that’s what Canada is all about.


Jean Kay



KWAC – Korean Writers Association of Canada

Achieving Peace by Jean Kay

Capturing sunrise

Capturing Sunrise by Jean Kay

    Achieving Peace

Peace comes from being quiet
and searching deep within
for the inner wisdom and gratitude
that allows my day to begin
in a way that brings peace to my mind
to guide me through my day,
knowing progress is available
in my own special way.
I don’t relish conflict
and keep trouble at arms’ length.
I don’t take on challenges of others
for I know I need my strength
to retain my inner peace of mind
for guidance and protection.
I’m very grateful when I’m peaceful
and can deal with any rejection.

Jean Kay
June 13, 2013
Written in 8 minutes during a workshop
at CanWrite! 2013

Day after CanWrite!

Day after CanWrite!

Got home at midnight, Orillia time,
the third flight had a seat for me.
Traveling standby isn’t always fun
but that stress is now behind me.

My suitcase, however, is not home yet,
it was on a later flight.
I’m told it will be here this morning
so all will soon be right.

My brain worked hard at CanWrite!
trying to take it all in.
Lots of wonderful writing tips
for authors and those who’ll now begin.

Each writer’s journey is personal,
different for everyone –
plotting, planning and sorting ideas
until their story is done.

Writing, re-writing, cut and/or paste,
check, re-read as you edit,
leave it a while, read again,
share with someone who hasn’t read it.

Not your parents, siblings or best friends
they are much too close to you.
A professional agent or editor
has a much better point of view.

Is the reason for your story clear?
Are your characters believable?
Do you know them intimately?
Are goals from conflicts achievable?

When you come away from CanWrite!
with ideas filling your head
about making your story better
you look forward to the work ahead.

Thanks CanWrite!

Jean Kay
June 17, 2013

WHO I AM – poem by Jean Kay

Day 30 of NaPoWrMo – the final day of an interesting process. I chose to share a poem I wrote on January 31, 2013


 All of us are multi-layered,

a complex, unique mixture;

ever-changing, growing and learning,

never a permanent fixture.


Who we are is a perception

to others, of what they see:

our job, our skill, our relationships,

but is that truly you and me?


Do I know who I really am?

Am I sure who I’m meant to be?

Have I allowed others expectations

to mold my personality?


Nobody knows what I’m thinking,

nor what I’m about to say.

Only God knows my inner thoughts

and hears when I silently pray.


I’m a unique individual

on whom gifts have been bestowed,

and talents I’m to share with the world

before I reach the end of my road.


That’s who I am.


Jean Kay

January 31, 2013

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Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

WordPress blog http://goo.gl/b5kAf

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B

SIGHTING OWLS – A poem by Jean Kay

For day 20 of National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) “I challenge you to write a poem that uses at least five of the following words:…” I chose to use owl, miraculous, elusive, ghost, twice.


Owls can be elusive

camouflaged by surroundings.

Most are nocturnal

flying silently in the dark.

Like a ghost they swoosh by.

Twice while out walking

I’ve heard owl hoots,

but dusk was closing in,

I could not see it.

Owl’s have forward-facing eyes,

they can only see straight ahead.

They can swivel their whole head

almost completely around

to see beside or behind them.

That’s miraculous.

Jean Kay

April 20, 2013

Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B

PICK ME – A cat ad poem by Jean Kay

Day 19 NaPoWriMo – prompt “Write a poem in the form of a personal ad! Or, if you like, try any kind of want ad.  Here is mine.



They named me Puffball Poomba
they call me Poomba, for short.
I’m soft, cuddly and house trained
as it says on my report.

I ‘m as cute as a button
and I’ll try not to ever push yours.
I promise to stay out of your way
when you’re doing household chores.

I’m pretty good with children,
unless they tease me too much.
I like to be brushed and petted,
I enjoy a loving touch.

I play with balls and toys
good at tossing them around.
I prefer toys I can claw at
not ones with a squeaking sound.

You know you want to adopt me
and I’d love to live at your house.
I like both wet and dry food
and the occasional mouse.

I need a home, you need a friend –
what could be better than that?
Pick me – you won’t be sorry,
I am an adorable cat.

And we did!

Jean Kay

April 19, 2013

Click on the “follow” link in the top right corner if you would like to be informed of new blogs

Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B

SOMETIMES – Anti-TV poem by Jean Kay

For Day 18 of National Poetry Month (NaPoWriMo) “Today’s prompt is to write a poem that begins and ends with the same word.”  Here is mine.


Sometimes I get so frustrated

with how TV shows are rated.

“G” is not always entertaining

or good for children we are training.

We are showing them it’s okay to fight

with any weapon they have in sight.

Bullying, sarcasm, senseless noise

is this what we want for our girls and boys?

When did “comedy” change definitions?

There’s nothing funny in the latest renditions.

PG and whatever number they use

are nothing I’d want children to choose.

I give up in trying to define

what I’ll enjoy and feel is fine.

I would sooner be outdoors

or even doing dreaded chores,

I prefer to be writing rhymes

Do I watch TV? Sometimes.

Jean Kay

April 18, 2013

Click on the follow link in the top right corner if you would like to be informed of more blogs


Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B

WELCOME – A poem by Jean Kay

For day 17 of National Poetry Writing Month (NaPoWriMo) “write poems of greeting. There’s lots of things you could greet. The subject’s up to you — now get out there and say “hello!”  Here is mine.


Welcome tiny, precious child.

Do you know how loved you are?

My loving bond will be with you

always, wherever you are.


I watched you come into our world.

I witnessed your first cry.

I heard words of joy from your parents,

like a comforting lullaby.


I recall the first time I held you

as my heart burst open with pride.

Your tight grip around my finger

confirmed love I felt inside.


Ten fingers, ten toes, beautiful eyes,

soft, fine, lovely dark hair,

I’d forgotten I could love that much.

What a privilege to be there.


Such an honour to be your Granny,

I’ll be able to watch you grow,

and give you hugs and kisses,

teach you some things I know.


This reads like a new arrival, but

my precious girl is almost ten.

I can relive those treasured moments

in my mind, time and again.


Jean Kay

April 17, 2013

Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B

SEEKING PEACE – A pantun poem by Jean Kay

For Day 15 of National Poetry Month (NaPoWriMo) “I challenge you to write a pantun, which consists of rhymed quatrains (abab), with 8-12 syllables per line. The first two lines of each quatrain aren’t meant to have a formal, logical link to the second two lines, although the two halves of each quatrain are supposed to have an imaginative or imagistic connection.”  Here is mine.


I walk under a pink archway,

it’s cherry blossom season here.

Why is it that every day

I wait for troubled thoughts to clear?


I wish blossoms lasted longer,

beautiful magnolia too.

I hope each day to be stronger

To face what I know I must do.


Peace of mind comes in my garden –

puttering, watering, weeding.

He can’t push my buttons again

my instincts are interceding.


Twittering birds, a joyous sound,

I wonder what they are saying.

Awakened now as thoughts abound

I know I must keep on praying.

Jean Kay

April 15, 2013

Website www.poetrytoinspire.com

YouTube videos http://goo.gl/tTC3g

Pinterest channel https://pinterest.com/jeankaypoet/

CAA webpages www.canauthorsvancouver.org/kay

My book Morning Light on Amazon  http://su.pr/2eIR9B